Welcome on the DiceFurniture Model Website

Hello my name is @Ste3et_C0st I have programmed a furniture plugin for spigot
I have start to work on it since march 2015, and I was the first person how have release an Armorstand Furniture Plugin on Spigot
I make the plugin for free to use and I spend so much time into the development to make it Perfect.

What do You need ?
You need a spigot version for Minecraft 1.9 or higher 1.8 is not more supported
You need the current ProtcolLib version

Know bugs
- The plugin works with ProtocolLib and send the ArmorStands over packets this reduced the server lags, but the plugin need a
bunch of Server performance if you place too much Furniture, the reason why is simple the Furniture a lot of complicated and
it need too much simulating the bunch entity.
- The FurnitureLib for the spigot 1.8 cannot download Furniture from this side the reason why is simple the
technology behind an Armorstand have been change in 1.9
- The Armorstands models look different from the website, this is normal then the Model have been generated in an old
Minecraft version and the new one have a different angle of the Items to display, and the Armorstand models doesn't support
A lot of custom ressourcepacks, many ressourcepacks have a different artwork of an item.


Furniture Models


Downloaded Models

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